Toe Jack Hydraulic – Preventing Injuries And Damage To The Equipment

Toe jack hydraulic equipment is used across a broad range of industries. No matter what sector you operate in however, it is important to use the equipment correctly to ensure that damage does not occur, and there are not any injuries in the workplace.

When purchasing this type of lifting equipment, the first thing you need to do is inspect the hydraulic toe jack upon arrival. The carrier will be responsible for any damage that has resulted from the shipping process. If you do not check the jack until later on in the day, and you notice some damage, the manufacturer may not be able to assist, as it was not their responsibility at the time of transit. Once you are happy with the hydraulic jack and accept delivery, there are a few things you need to do to ensure that you use the equipment safely. The most important thing is to make sure you never, under any circumstances, exceed the jack’s maximum load capacity. You should also make sure you do not use the jack in hazardous or unstable positions, nor should you add any additional load to the lifted load. Aside from this, you should never lift people or loads with people on them. Do not use a hydraulic jack that is in a poor condition, is damaged, or has been altered, and make sure the load is stable during lifting. All workers should keep clear of lifted loads, and the unit must be utilized on a flat surface.

If you are looking for toe jack hydraulic equipment, the number one rule in terms of safety and performance is to purchase from the correct supplier, and that you buy the right hydraulic jack for your requirements. We can assist you with this at HTS Direct, LLC. To see our range of hydraulic jacks, head to, or, if you have any queries, send an email to