HTS DIRECT LTD, Designers and manufacturers of innovative machine skates. and hydraulic Jacks have launched its newest addition ,the Eco-skate motion 40, with radio remote control and 40 ton capacity.This product, which is exclusive to HTS Direct, allows the user to move loads completely independent with capacities up to 40 tons without any pushing or pulling. it as state-of-the-art electric engines and radio remote control unit with HTS single joystick system. The ECO-Skate motion 40 is very easy for the user to steer and move and its powered by a modern 48v,31Ah lithium polymer battery technology with a running time of one hour, the emotion machine skate can climb slopes of up to 3%. the advanced energy saving emotion 40 drive motor is fully digitally controlled by the emotion 40 drive control.
Overall, the emotion offers a compact design and can be combined with any other machine skate system, HTS Direct innovation designs and fast service guarantees customer satisfaction.